Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Audacious hopes amid bleak time contd.


Engagement in Palestine-Israel which galvanizes the whole Muslim world can not be overlooked by the incumbent of oval office. Obama has supported the Jewish state and seeks it security sacrosanct. But at the same time he had shown more empathy for Palestine than former US presidents. Whether he can transform this support for Israel and empathy for Palestine into a peace initiative is another matter.


Shifting to Europe, to many in Europe Obama offers a chance to restore relationships with US. The Two Lakhs Germans who gathered at Berlin to welcome him vindicate this belief. Yet Europeans are tired of supporting US in Iraq and Afghanistan. They would like to preserve NATO but they are now more apprehensive of their own security with Russia invading Georgia.


America can no longer overlook Russia’s grudging compliance. But with a nuke powered Russia controlling gas supplies of Europe and its arms sales to likes of Iran and Venezuela and its ability to veto any move of Security Council Russia has plenty of ways to cushion its troubles. It would be interesting to watch whether Mr. Obama stations a missile defense in Poland or not.


Rise of developing nations in general and China in particular is going to be a matter of deep concern. Predictions are that china may overtake US in terms of economy and military supremacy. US had been using China’s saving to buy what China makes. Now they need a quick reversal of policy. Also it will be hard for US to persuade the developing nation for carbon control, given the fact that average American propels four times more pollutants than an average Chinese.

In the nineteenth century Britain ruled the globe. The two world wars led to a power transition and US emerged as the leading force of 20th century. Sometime in this century the balance of power will change again. Mr. Obama now has to prepare for the day when America will no longer be the superpower. To maintain the transition peacefully and still being able to propagate the ideals of liberal democracy and free market will be the mark of a truly great President.

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