Wednesday, October 14, 2009


SCENE: Philo and despo, hopeless and desperate, sauntering empty streets.....almost half past midnight.

Despo [desperately]: Shit man!! My four years of engineering life is all about total failure.

Philo [inquisitively]: Why? What happened?

Despo [lamentably]: All this long I had been single and searching. I never had an opportunity to edit my relationship status on FB. That sucks man!!

Philo [assertively]: Worry not. Look it this way, even they too are as much a failure as you.

Despo [incredulously]: How come that is??

Philo [Philosophically]: Simple dude. Not a single one of them had us.

Despo [appreciatively]: Right..infact great. I never looked at it that way.

Moment of realization...
Despo delightfully spend some additional time to rejoice the new vision.

Despo [thankfully]: Thanks buddy. I really feel better now.

Despo again [statistically]: I have just calculated it over. You know what; both of us together have made the life of approximately one thousand girls over here a total failure.

Both [cheerfully]: Yo man…!! Give me a five.


Rishabh said...

Well...the meaning is conspicuous. But the material is not upto your level. A simple four line-'Birdie bird' type could be better...But was this factual??

Saurabh Rai said...

Yupp u guessed it ryt.. It Is.
But u need nt worry it was jus a playful pastime wid a great frnd, to mk laugh, creating fun in a rather dull lyf.
I knw it's not good enough, neither I blog to solely create good ones only. Forced by the good memories I have gathered that nyt jus cudn't stop treasurin it.