Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Poem-Shoem: The begining

I have written these most outlandish lines which I regard as back bench poetry, named after the serene corner in my classroom where it was emanated. Back bench is the place where the ingenious and creative inhabitants of class breed their flair and so do I.

When commotion of emotions throb my heart,
My brain said: Beware we can’t handle it at all.
After all love’s notion is an ephemeral thought,
Let’s be realistic and let not poignancy stand tall.
Your heart’s delusion and our goal shouldn’t differ,
Ask it eminence or happiness what does it prefers.

That’s it dear. You can’t take it anymore. But caution this is just the commencement of a fresh sequence of crap in this blog. There are many others waiting to supersede it.


AbP.. said...

i share a place with you in the same league"the last benchers"..
but you turned out to be too creative(or i too dormant like every other last bencher is??)
no doubts..
you are giving me jitters..everytime i feel it difficult to understand your classic expressions..
but knowing you and your mind-o-sphere well..i could understand the say of your heart..and believe me..it gives me immense pleasure..to read what you write..
p.s--why do you fear these "affairs of the heart"??
its nothing beyond the soberness..mr sober-saurabh..

Saurabh Rai said...

Thanks a lot for many reasons.
First for counting me in the league of extraordinary gentlemens like U.
Secondly exxagerating few witty craps to classic expressions.
And thirdly to take the pain to undersatnd something as insignificant as me.
Regarding PS: Soberness pertains to brain how come it fight with fear of "heartly affairs"??